Special Issue
Sustainable Aquaculture and Fisheries
Guest editor: Prof. Le Minh-Hoang (hoanglm@ntu.edu.vn), Prof. Trang Si Trung (trungts@ntu.edu.vn), Prof. Pham Quoc Hung (hungpq@ntu.edu.vn), Dr. Khuong V. Dinh (van.k.dinh@ibv.uio.no)
Submission deadline: March 15, 2024
Keywords: Aquaculture; Fisheries; Sustainable exploitation; Environmental impact; Seafood processing; Quality control; Storage; Fishery Economics
Case of Remarkable Research of the National Institute of Fisheries Science in 2022
Guest editor: Dr. Ji Hoe Kim (kimjihoe@korea.kr)
Submission deadline: June 30, 2023
Keywords: Aquaculture; Marine ecosystems; Fisheries resources
Advanced Fisheries Technologies and Safety Monitoring in Asian Countries
Guest editor: Dr. Tohru Mukai (mukai@fish.hokudai.ac.jp) and Dr. Kyounghoon Lee (klee71@pknu.ac.kr)
Submission deadline: October 31, 2023
Keywords: Fisheries acoustics; Fishing vessel safety; Fishery resource management; Fishing gear engineering; Fisheries equipment technology
Case of Excellent Research Performance of the National Institute of Fisheries Science in 2021
Guest editor: Dr. Jung Haw Choi (choi2291@korea.kr)
Submission deadline: August 10, 2022
Keywords: Fisheries resources; Aquaculture technology and biotechnology; Seafood safety; Freshwater species diversity
Blue Biotechnology for Sustainable Aquaculture
Guest editor: Dr. Leong Sui Sien (leongsuisien@upm.edu.my), Dr. Le Minh-Hoang (hoanglm@ntu.edu.vn)
Submission deadline: May 31, 2023
Keywords: Sustainable aquaculture; Aquatic biology; Biotechnology; Aquatic microbiology
Next-Generation Therapeutic Aquatic Resources for Human Health
Guest editor: Dr. Yow Yoon Yen (yoonyeny@sunway.edu.my)
Submission deadline: December 31, 2021
Keywords: Aquatic resources; Aquatic biotechnology; Extract or biocompound; Biological activity; In vitro, in vivo or ex vivo evaluation; Isolation and characterisation of biocompound; Secondary metabolite; Therapeutic properties
Celebrating 100 Years of Modern Fisheries Science Research
Guest editor: Dr. Kyoungmi Won (kyoungmiwon@korea.kr)
Submission deadline: July 30, 2021
Keywords: 100th anniversary of modern fisheries science research; Fisheries resources and fisheries engineering technology; marine ecosystems; Aquaculture technology and biotechnology; Seafood safety and the control of aquatic diseases